As seen in the Albuquerque Journal Rio Rancho section 8/15/09
Summer is officially over with the start of the 2009-10 school year Friday in Rio Rancho.
Starting school before Labor Day is a hard pill to swallow for me, having always started the new school year the Tuesday after Labor Day. But with year-round school and schedules shifting nowadays, seems kids west of the Mississippi see starting school in August as normal as Christmas in December.
Psychologically, for kids there is much to do to prepare for a new year of school. Many kids will be going to new schools, including Rio Rancho Middle School and the new Cleveland High School. The angst, the worry, the anticipation of a new adventure sends some kids sky high and others under the bed with fear.
"Where are my classrooms?" "Will I find my friends?" "What time do I start?" "What if I have to sit alone at lunch?" "When is my lunch?" "When do I get my violin?"
Emotionally, the thoughts and worries kids are dealing with right now are hard. Think back. I am sure everyone can recall the butterflies.
For parents, it is more of a physical marathon that goes on in the weeks leading up to the first day of school. Oh, sure, ask any parent and they will tell you it is an emotional roller coaster for them as well. As parents, we will miss the "SpongeBob" marathons, or Bob-a-thons as I call them, the lounge lizard mornings and trying to get our summer vacationers up before noon, and those sweet, bored faces staring back at us asking, "What can I eat now?"
My recent weeks have sounded something like this: "Do those jeans fit?" "They are too tight, you can't get them." "How many new shirts do you need?" "Are you sure that is within the dress code?" "What's wrong with pink polka dot Converse high tops?" "What about a backpack?" "Why not this one?" "We still need to get all the paper and pencils and calculators." "I'm here to pick up my daughter's class schedule." "How do I change her schedule?" "Your computers have been down all week?" "So, when should I pick up her new schedule?" "Where do I pay the band fees?" "Yes, I bought a yearbook already." "My registration fee total is $175? You're kidding."
As my daughters were wrapping their minds around the concept of school these past couple of weeks, synchronicity blew through my Facebook pages and a few high school classmates and a former swimming coach found me. Nothing like a little icing on the collegiate cake to remind you what back-to-school is all about.
It has been 30 years since I have seen or heard from Coach Howenstine, and from his Facebook profile picture, he hasn't changed a bit. Although this good natured, smiling man had the kindest things to say, seeing his face still makes me nervous, and waiting to hear him announce the workout: 10-400s on the 6:30 descending from the 5:30. Go!
"I have often wondered what happened to you," wrote Coach Howenstine. "And after reading your blog, I now have somewhat of an idea."
It's funny how 30 years can change a relationship from a teenager and coach to two adults sharing tales of their lives and families.
"I will never forget you with your mouth wired shut," coach wrote, reminding me of the time I broke my jaw in a car accident the week before the valley championships and he lost his team captain. Coach Howenstine is coaching again and the captain of his team this year is the daughter of my former teammate. Circle of life.
I am sure everyone out there has an interesting story about high school. Send me your favorite, goofy or embarrassing school memory to match mine and hopefully I will get enough to write a follow-up column soon.
Quote of the week: "On Friday we'll be jacked up on the football game. And I'll be ready to fight. Were gonna smash 'em now." — "Be True to Your School," by the Beach Boys.
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