As appeared in the Albuquerque Journal Rio Rancho section 10/31/09
I hope everyone survived last night's pranks during Devil's Night, or as they say in the north, Gate Night, and no one has to clean eggs off of their windows or smashed pumpkins off of their front walks. With Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, I can only imagine how many parties filled the night. My loyal readers may remember last year's Halloween column, in which I explored the truth about what your costume says about you. So, all you French maids, Tarzans and witches, we know what you are really trying to tell us.
Besides pumpkins, costumes and pranks, the most important part of Halloween has to be the candy, and we all know it. Haven't we all sneaked Mounds bars and Almond Joys from our children's stash when they weren't looking?
Yes, Halloween begins that time period that goes through Jan. 2 when temptations like candy, stuffing, pumpkin pies, Christmas cookies, pecan pies and champagne are ever present and our willpower is put to the test.
I thought one's sweet tooth is supposed to subside as one gets older and mine has, to some extent. But there is just some candy I still cling to. has come out with "The Nine Grossest Kinds of Candy No Adult Should Give out on Halloween," and I take issue with some of them.
In clarifying their study, they mean gross as in "no one wants to eat them" not gross as in, "I can't believe I let my child put that in their body." The article goes on to say that Pixie Stix are gross in the latter sense but kids love them, so they didn't make the list. Here are the ones that did:
• Wax Bottle Candy: Just bite off the top and suck out the artificially colored and flavored water sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, then chew on the wax for the rest of the afternoon. Sold by the pound on, I don't see a problem here.
• Necco Wafers: A roll of flavored, multi-colored wafers that some may say have a chalky taste and texture, (much like original Tums, but thinner). Who cares? These babies are fat-free.
• Pumpkin Candy Corn. This one I have to agree with. The pumpkin shapes are too much for one bite and tend to stimulate the gag reflex.
• Fruit-Flavored Tootsie Rolls: I agree with this one. You don't mess with the original.
• Circus Peanuts. This one hits too close to home. I will agree Circus Peanuts have an indistinguishable chemical and/or paint aroma, which is really sugar, corn syrup, coconut, gelatin, salt and artificial flavors. I have yet to outgrow this one.
• Bit-O-Honey. I never liked this one — not so much for the flavor as it was just a boring piece of candy. A conservative, tan-colored piece of taffy with crushed almonds just says yawn.
• Root Beer Barrels: I am just stupefied about why Root Beer Barrels made this list. This is one of the best candies ever. I dare anyone to e-mail me and tell me you don't like Root Beer Barrels. Nobody can eat just one.
• Gumdrops: Or dare they call them "spice drops," this old standby really should be relegated to grandmother's candy drawer and gingerbread houses only.
• Sesame Crunch: I have to admit this is one candy I have never tried, nor do I want to. Peanut butter, honey, corn flakes and sesame seeds just sounds too healthy.
It's Halloween, and I hope everyone has a safe and happy day, and may you get all the candy you every wanted.
Quote of the Week: "But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted. He lived happily ever after." — Willy Wonka.
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