As appeared in the Albuquerque Journal Rio Rancho section May 14, 2011

There are many people who are celebrating the closing of one chapter in their lives and the opening of a new and exciting one. A new chapter filled with uncertainty, confusion, excitement and joy.
At this major crossroads in their lives, we try to give our children the best advice possible and hope they listen. Advice that will ease their stress, give them hope and point them in the right direction.
For me, it was the poem titled “Don’t Quit,” that my dad introduced me to back in the ’70s, which has given me strength throughout my life.
Since one person doesn’t have all of the answers, I asked some people if they would share their best advice for the graduating Class of 2011
“Never be afraid to doubt and to question. It can be summed up in the enlightenment motto: sapere aude — dare to be wise.” — Kurt Schmidt, director of bands, Rio Rancho High School.
“My best advice came from my dad, who always said, ‘If it was easy everyone would do it.’ He followed this up by a lecture about hard work, perseverance and goal setting for life.” — Scott Affentranger, principal, V. Sue Cleveland High School.
“Congratulations, now keep going! You’re not finished. When you wait to go to college you become a lazy radio guy who needs to finish his degree.”— Donnie Chase of “The Jackie, Tony & Donnie Show” on 100.3 the Peak.
“Don’t be afraid to fail. The world’s most successful people have failed before, and you will too … at times. When it happens, learn your lesson, get up as soon as possible, dust yourself off … and try again. You are never ‘a failure’ unless you give up. Do your very best, and life will take care of the rest.” — Steve Stucker, KOB-TV co-anchor and weatherman.
“The world we live in is only as good as we make it. Use the momentum of receiving your degree to propel you to reach your potential. By doing this, you will inspire others and have a lasting, positive impact.” — Mayor of Rio Rancho Thomas E. Swisstack.
“Follow your dreams with passion, commitment and vision.” — Debbi Moore, president and CEO, Rio Rancho Regional Chamber of Commerce.
“Don’t just work for a job. Discover over the next several years what you are passionate about. Dream a little. What would you really enjoy doing? You’ll be happier and more productive there.” — Don Schlicte, president, Rio Rancho Public Schools board.
“ ‘Do today what others won’t do, so that tomorrow you can do what others can’t do.’ I don’t know where this quote originated but it’s a motto I lived by even before I heard it. Sometimes hard work doesn’t seem that fun at the time, but there comes a time when it pays off.” — Jimmy Wagner of Wagner Farms, Corrales.
“Know yourself and always be true to yourself. Develop high ethical and moral standards, and do not allow your integrity to be questioned.” — Beth Miller, interim executive director of Rio Rancho operations, UNM West.
I dedicate this column to my firstborn who will be graduating from Rio Rancho High School next Thursday. I love you, Lili. As always, you make me so proud.
Quote of the Week: “And you never can tell how close you are. It may be near when it seems so far. So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit. It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.”—– “Don’t Quit,” author unknown.
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